Environmental Abatement Associates, Inc. provides a full spectrum of testing and inspections services for identifying hazardous materials and environmental risks. At EAA, testing services utilize independent certified laboratories, qualified inspectors, quality control, and prompt and accurate documentation.
Inspections and Management Plans are mandated for school districts by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations. In November of 1990, EPA enacted the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 61 which requires that any public, commercial, or industrial facility be thoroughly inspected for the presence of asbestos prior to any demolition or renovation activity. As a recognized leader in asbestos technology and management, Environmental Abatement Associates, Inc. provides complete management (inspections, design, and monitoring) for all asbestos-related projects.
Carbon canisters are used by certified personnel in monitoring and measuring the levels of radon in buildings.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ/Mold)
EAA personnel test for indoor chemical sources, ventilation problems, microbial / mold contaminants, and outdoor sources of pollutants.
The presence of lead in paints is determined through the use of nondestructive measurements by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Using the portable NITON XL Spectrum Analyzer Lead Detector, EAA is able to save valuable time by eliminating the need to send samples to a laboratory. Analytical testing is used to determine the lead content of water.
The presence of chlorinated hydrocarbons – which include PCBs – is determined by soils testing and analytical methods in transformers and capacitors.